All these pic's are old but I threw them in to make the post more exciting! ha
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Just a quickie:(
One of my best friends, Posey came into town for a quick visit last week. She moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana at the end of January and I miss her! She is my friend I always have fun with! It doesn't matter what we're doing, we're having fun. I can count on her, she's there for me, a great person to talk to, a wonderful photographer, loads of fun and a sweetheart! She's a great friend. I miss her boys too:( They are adorable and hilarious and good friends of Annie's. She is always asking where Posey, Pants and Bro Bro have gone. Brian and her hubby became friends too and well we all just miss them! It was nice to see her a few times. We got to go to her sister in law, Heather's shower, dinner at none other than two pregnant girls craving sushi(well, the cooked rolls you can have being prego anyway)...KC's with her cousin Valentina and brother Rhett and then of course lunch at Lu Lu's with Amy, her little Landon and Sara. It was fun to see everyone again and I can't wait till Posey's back in August! She's coming back to see the baby and do my newborn photos! Well that's not the ENTIRE reason but she knows that's what she's most excited for! I can't wait till she has her little girl only 2 and a half months later! Maybe I'll finally get my butt to Indiana! Ok fine, it will be a boy but that's fine, she makes super cute boys! Love ya Posey!
All these pic's are old but I threw them in to make the post more exciting! ha

All these pic's are old but I threw them in to make the post more exciting! ha
D Backs Game with fam
So how did you spend your tax day? We got invited to go with Brian's family to the D Backs vs. Cardinals game. Brian unfortunately couldn't leave work but it was alot of fun to be there with my in laws and Mel, Gabe and their cute boys. It was a neat game to make it to. It was former Hall of Famer, Jackie Robinson Day and all the players on both teams were wearing the #42 on their jerseys to honor him. It was a cold, windy day but it didn't really bother us until the very end when the sun left for good and the wind picked up! But it was a great time! Great food, great company, and eventhough we didn't win, it was an exciting game to watch. Anaston was just loving on Ryder and Redden! She was giving them hug after hug out of nowhere! They were each keeping track to see who got the most loves. ha ha I guess she figured she had alot of lost time to make up for with them living in Utah! It was cute to watch. And thanks to Redden for being Anaston's official peanut cracker! He was so patient and spent so much time cracking peanuts for the crazy peanut lady, trying to keep up with her, but was in good spirits about it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Easter festivities
The morning before Easter, we went over to my mom's cuz her ward was doing a breakfast and Easter hunt. It was so cold and rainy but the food was yummy and fortunately there was this sweet little girl who noticed Annie and that she was crying cuz all the big kids were getting the eggs before she could get to them and didn't like that she was getting rained on and gathered a bunch of eggs for her.:) That night we had homemade chili and had our first annual at home egg coloring session. Annie was really into it and did a great job! Brian was super creative. His eggs were much more imoressive than mine! It was so fun!
Annie's eggs, pre stickered out and minus Swiper, who was still soaking in purple!

This was my fav of B's.

The finished product
To end the night, I treated Brian to his FAVORITE...Grandma Knight's recipe for deviled eggs! We decided not to do Easter baskets for eachother this year and just enjoy Annie doing her stuff so I wanted to surprise him with a little something.
Sorprisingly, Annie enjoyed them just as much as Brian, and he was kind eneough to share with her. She called it eggies and dip.

Easter morning Annie came into our room to wake us up as usual and I went and grabbed her basket and explained how the Easter bunny had came and left it for her for being such a good girl. In the future we'll let her find her basket but didn't know if she'd understand that this year. The first thing she did was ripped out the Dora full of candy and gave her a big kiss!
She couldn't believe even the Easter Bunny knew she loves green and found green peeps!
Her favorites?...Of course they were! Man do we know our daughter! All she wanted to do was watch Dora eggies and have treats!
She even got a Dora basket!...full of fun stuff:)
This pic got out of order somehow but this is after egg hunt #3 for Annie this year, at my mom's.
My sweet little girl in her Easter dress!
Annie being her cute little self
We headed over to B's parents for a delicious dinner, egg hunt and play time!

7 of the 8 grandkids on Brian's side.(missing baby Samantha) I can't believe next Easter there will be 11!
Brian's sister, Melanie surprised everyone with her big news on Easter with this fun shirt! Yeah! Hopefully she follows the line of girls coming and gets her first girl! If not, they make the cutest boys in the world so a boy works too! She kept it a secret, living a state away and is actually like 18 months along! She's due only about a month after me! So excited for #11!!!
This was my fav of B's.
The finished product
Brian's sister, Melanie surprised everyone with her big news on Easter with this fun shirt! Yeah! Hopefully she follows the line of girls coming and gets her first girl! If not, they make the cutest boys in the world so a boy works too! She kept it a secret, living a state away and is actually like 18 months along! She's due only about a month after me! So excited for #11!!!
Some fun pic's
One morning Annie got woken up super early by the garbage man and was so tired she wiped out already by 9:45 in this most odd spot! She had been watching Dora on the couch but decided to slip down into this tiny crevis inbetween the couch and coffee table and sleep on the ground! It was too funny!
Anaston was being so cute and photogenic one morning when we were out on a walk. I had to start taking pic's. She was being such a nut. I love her to death!
She has a major love for flowers! She notices them everywhere and always wants to go pick them!

Cruisin in London's pink escalade. She was jammin out to the radio and of course songs she knew came on and she was singing and having a blast!
Anaston is really into her babies, barbies, dolls and dress up lately. She is totally a girl. All day long she is dressing up, laying her babies down in their pack n play or car seat and taking care of them, or getting out all her dolls and barbies and make believing. It is so cute to watch and even play with her. She has an obsession with Barbie shoes and wherever she goes, she has to take a handful with her or put them in her pockets. She'll even fall asleep with them in her hands! She also won't leave the house without those shoes, her purse stuffed with whatever she decided that day, her baby, blankie, drink and dress up shoes. She walks so good in them and looks so cute! Sometimes she'll even accessorise! So my child! ha ha
See what I mean?

We sold our pack n play to get this latest AWESOME one with a built in napper and we had to set it all up to make sure everything was there and working so we could chuck the box. Anaston was having too much fun with it! She would bring in her baby and lay her in the napper or on the changer with her blankie and a bottle and passie and sing to her. It was so adorable.
One afternoon, we met up with Jaymee, JaNae and her girls for lunch at Tia Rosa's. It was so fun to kick back and have some girl talk on the patio when the weather was so nice! Afterwards, we ran by Jaymee's in laws who just had the cutest litter of kittens and the girls went crazy over them! It was so fun!
One morning we met up with my good friend Kelsey and her cute little girlies, Ellee and Scout for lunch, shopping and a couple carousel rides at the mall. We love to get together with them! Kelsey is one of my friends I've known the longest and our girls love to be together and play so cute.
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