So here's how it all went down. Sorry for the very delayed post but any down time I have right now, I'll be honest the last thing I've felt like doing is sitting on the computer. A nap, cuddling with Reese, spending quality time with
Anaston or trying to keep things picked up has sounded much better.
Anywho...we had an
appt 7:30 am to be induced, so after staying the night at my in laws who live
a lot closer and not getting much sleep at all, we go to check in bright and early only to be told the hospital is backed up and there's no rooms available. They had three inductions from the night before that they hadn't even called in yet that would be ahead of me. Really? Kinda a weird feeling to
be all ready and then have to set our emotions, excitement, etc. on the side and head back to Brian's parents until w get the call that it's my turn.
Anaston was confused why we were back, just like everyone else. Finally at like 3:30, after calling every 2 hours to see how much closer we were, I wake up from a nap to hear a room had opened up and we needed to get there right away so nobody else would get it. We darted outta there and headed to the hospital...luckily we were so close!
Anaston was NOT happy this time that we were leaving, which made things a million times worse. I balled the whole way to the hospital
cuz I was an emotional pregnant girl and I felt so bas leaving her like that but had no choice. She had been woken up from her nap by my phone call and that's what triggered the breakdown. After waiting in the waiting room for a half hour, doing paper work, and getting my first round of
antibiotics, I was finally on
pitocin by 5:30. I came in at a 3 and was actively contracting in no time...the nurses said it
wasn't gonna take long. Well they were a little off. I got to a 4 and stayed there FOREVER!!! Brian and I watched a couple movies and by 12:30 I decided to finally get my epidural just so I could sleep! My contractions weren't as strong and they kept upping the
pitocin and it was getting pretty uncomfortable. I slept till 4 am and then woke up to the sound of my doc's voice. He had come to break my water to see if we could get me progressing. Well that did it! By 5 am I was at a 5 and then by 5:30 i was at a 10 and needed to start pushing! What?!? From a 5 to a 10 in a half hour? I couldn't believe it. I called my mom and sister and said get here now...hurry! They had everything set up and ready for me to push and just then my mom and 2 sisters walked in, thankfully. So 1 push...head out. 2
nd push...shoulder out and 3rd push...there she was! Whew! Before I started pushing Dr Beck was pointing out all the hair she had
cuz her head was right there! That was so crazy to hear! It was the most amazing feeling all over again to see her beautiful face. I couldn't believe my eyes...she looked like a clone on
Anaston! The sound of her cry and to have her laid down on me and hold her hand was just
unbelievable. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 7.9 oz.'s and 21 and 1/4 inches long(although at her doc
appt they told me she was actually 21 and 3/4 long) and was born at 6:02 am on Thursday, August 20
th. She has a very full head of dark brown hair, big eyes, a cute little nose and we think my lips! She has long, dainty hands and long feet...she's gonna be a tall one! She's super skinny and long! She's beautiful, she's perfect! Sometimes looks just like Annie and Brian and then sometimes alot like mommy! We had such a great experience there at the new hospital. Reese is a really good baby! She's very healthy, eating great and growing already! The doc told me at her
appt that her weight gain in just those 5 days(up to 7 lbs. 12 oz.) was almost
un heard of for a newborn and a nursing baby. Well I guess my milk coming in by day 2 is doing it's job! He called her an overachiever, beautiful and perfectly proportioned.:) We had a ton of visitors, family and friends, good meals brought in, entertainment, etc. We appreciate it all! It was so crazy to see Anaston the next morning. I couldn't belive I had 2 kids! I had missed her so much and it was so good to see her, even though she felt weird and was shy at first. I'm glad she warmed up and was happy to see us too. My in laws were kind enough to have Anaston stay with them while we were in the hospital and took great care of her. She had such a good time she didn't even care when she had to leave the hospital cuz she was excited to go there! That really made me happy and put me at peace with the whole situation. Brian was such a sweetheart and held my hand every step of the way during my labor. I am kinda a baby getting my IV and epidural but he was great and let me crush his hand. ha ha It was so neat to watch him hold Reese and look into her yes and calm her right after she was born. It was so nice to have my doc keep checking on me even though it was during the night and early morning hours..he seriously is the best. I'm glad my mom, Jaymee and Jade were there in the room with us. It was a relief to get to go home the next afternoon instead of staying 5 days with a
severely jaundiced baby. We are just absolutely in love with our new baby and she just fits right in with our family! We are enjoying her very much and she is just so sweet and adorable! She's very alert when she's awake but is also a great sleeper and is already in a pretty consistent sleeping pattern. We're going 3 1/2-4 hours inbetween feedings at night! Woo hoo! More like 2 1/2-3 hours during the day.I have of course been taking a billion more pictures
and even had her newborn photos done but that will have to be another post. I'm just proud I finally got this one done! We are all adjusting fine and things are feeling great now! We appreciate all the company, love, help, favors, dinners brought in, etc. Annie didn't know what to think at first but she is so in love with her sister now and very protective of her and helpful. She is getting better with her adjustment, which is a huge relief to me. It was breaking my heart seeing her emotionally struggle. I am so happy and so blessed. Words can't even explain!
The pic's are backwards. Start at the bottom and work your way up! Enjoy!