Monday, September 30, 2024

2024 QCHS Homecoming King & Queen

Grayson Grove & Anaston Knight


Friday, February 5, 2010


Here are some more recent pic's of the girls. We got family pic's done with Brian's entire family, New Years Day and I was really satisfied with the outcome!

I'll do a quick, a miracle right?
10 Recent facts about Reese....
1. She has her 2 bottom teeth as of a week and a half ago! That seems so early to me! They came in 3 days apart and I think the poor girl is already working on more!
2. She is the happiest and smiliest baby I've ever seen! She's always got an ear to ear smile on her face and it just brightens my day!
3. She is rolling over like a maniac...back to front, front to back and even gets in full crawling position, but then she's had enough!
4. She will grab ANYTHING in sight or reach and examine it or immediately shove it in her mouth to chew on! Gotta be careful with that!
5. She loves to lay on her back and suck on her feet or if she has socks on, she either pulls them off or sucks on her socks! haha
6. She's on the move in her walker, jumps like crazy in her jumper and spins and pounds on her toys in her excersaucer. She loves to play!
7. She is very fascinated with Anaston. She always has her eyes on her and thinks everything she does is so funny and laughs. It's so cute. They have a special bond and love to be together...they are always holding hands in the car, it's so sweet!:)
8. She is very ticklish under her arms, on her ribs, her neck and her upper thighs! We can get her laughing so hard!
9. She is following in her big sister's footsteps and loves to stand on Daddy's hands. She'll stay up there forever and they do tricks together. It's incredible to watch and she just loves it! Well, anything with Daddy in it she loves!
10. She HATES rice cereal so she is still 100% relying on me for food but in a few weeks we can start baby food so I hope she likes that!
10 Recent facts about Anaston...
1. She is quite the little mommy. She loves to mother her baby dolls, her baby sister and sometimes even her own family members and friends! ha ha She's a good little mommy though.:)
2. She LOVES LOVES LOVES to color. She is very artistic and could color all day I swear!
3. Her favorite show to watch is Max and Ruby.
4. She started dance about a month and a half ago and is doing really well! She does tap, ballet and gymnastics. She can't wait to go each week and loves her teacher, as well as the cute girls in her class. I can't believe how good she listens in there and how quick she catches on! It's so fun to watch her! She is always dancing or doing flips around the house and showing us what she's learning.
5. Her highlight of each day is seeing Reese. She loves to fel responsible and help entertain and take care of her whenever I need her to. I don't even have to ask the majority of the time. She is so patient with her and knows just what to do or give her to make her happy. It's quite a lifesaver and I am so proud of her!
6. Anaston already has a dream of following in mommy's footsteps as a cheerleader!:) She loves going to her Uncle Jordan's games. She's his number 1 cheerleader! She can yell like crazy for him and loves to sit and watch the cheerleaders and try and mimic their motions and chants.
7. She is very into dress up right now. She is dressing up all day long and occasionally dresses up Reese or mommy and daddy or even her dolls too! She's very girly and even likes to do makeup and cook all of us, including her dolls exotic meals in her little kitchen. haha
8. She's very smart with direction and is always pointing which way I need to go in the car.
9. She is now a sunbeam and loves her teacher so she is actually loving going to class all by herself and sitting with her class in sharing time instead of mine! Woohoo! She even gave the closing prayer last week! I'm so proud of her!
10. She is so simple. She is fascinated by the little things in life. She takes the time to notice the little things. She loves nature and he outdoors and is very self entertained.
Everything is going well! Brian is working hard as usual between work and his calling in the priest quorum. He is still playing ball and doing great. I have really changed and gone from a go go go person to enjoying being home more and just being with my kiddo's. I have gotten alot more simple I have to say and it feels good! I am loving decorating the new home, still doing hair, crafting, cooking, etc. right now. I'm in primary and an achievement days leader and love it! Hope all is well with everybody!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm Alive!!!

So I know I have turned into the worst blogger in America!!! I'm not going to complain and say my life is so hard now that I have 2 kids because it's's wonderful! My excuse for my absence the past few months is more like I am CRAZY busy and enjoying any free time with my girlies instead of being on the computer!:) ALOT has happened! In a nut shell, Reese is a wonderful baby! We are insanely in love with her! She is the happiest, smiliest baby and we are enjoying every bit of watching her grow..although it's happening way too fast! We love being a family of 4 and have adjusted well. We went to Disneyland!!! We moved into a house! Yahoo! Got through Halloween and Thanksgiving and are going crazy getting ready for Christmas! Anaston turned 3 on November 30th and the poor girl was sick! But we had a great party for her yesterday to celebrate! She is growing up so much every day! She's so smart, sweet, loving, makes us laugh and the list goes on. She is also a great big sister and a wonderful helper. Brian is staying very busy with work and I am doing a ton of hair! My Dad has been very sick with Valley Fever and we are all looking after him. There's so much that's happened and I plan on getting all caught up but I wanted you all to know we are still here and happy! Here's the most recent picture of the girls. My lovely best friend was in town this past week and a half and took amazing pictures for me as usual! I don't want to spoil too much though before Christmas cards go out! I love my two little girls more than anything in the world and am so blessed to have them. I just can't seem to get enough of them! Look forward to more posts! Hopefully this will be the beginning of me getting back on track with blogging!:)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Introducing... Reese Olivia Knight!!!

So here's how it all went down. Sorry for the very delayed post but any down time I have right now, I'll be honest the last thing I've felt like doing is sitting on the computer. A nap, cuddling with Reese, spending quality time with Anaston or trying to keep things picked up has sounded much better. Anywho...we had an appt 7:30 am to be induced, so after staying the night at my in laws who live a lot closer and not getting much sleep at all, we go to check in bright and early only to be told the hospital is backed up and there's no rooms available. They had three inductions from the night before that they hadn't even called in yet that would be ahead of me. Really? Kinda a weird feeling to be all ready and then have to set our emotions, excitement, etc. on the side and head back to Brian's parents until w get the call that it's my turn. Anaston was confused why we were back, just like everyone else. Finally at like 3:30, after calling every 2 hours to see how much closer we were, I wake up from a nap to hear a room had opened up and we needed to get there right away so nobody else would get it. We darted outta there and headed to the hospital...luckily we were so close! Anaston was NOT happy this time that we were leaving, which made things a million times worse. I balled the whole way to the hospital cuz I was an emotional pregnant girl and I felt so bas leaving her like that but had no choice. She had been woken up from her nap by my phone call and that's what triggered the breakdown. After waiting in the waiting room for a half hour, doing paper work, and getting my first round of antibiotics, I was finally on pitocin by 5:30. I came in at a 3 and was actively contracting in no time...the nurses said it wasn't gonna take long. Well they were a little off. I got to a 4 and stayed there FOREVER!!! Brian and I watched a couple movies and by 12:30 I decided to finally get my epidural just so I could sleep! My contractions weren't as strong and they kept upping the pitocin and it was getting pretty uncomfortable. I slept till 4 am and then woke up to the sound of my doc's voice. He had come to break my water to see if we could get me progressing. Well that did it! By 5 am I was at a 5 and then by 5:30 i was at a 10 and needed to start pushing! What?!? From a 5 to a 10 in a half hour? I couldn't believe it. I called my mom and sister and said get here now...hurry! They had everything set up and ready for me to push and just then my mom and 2 sisters walked in, thankfully. So 1 push...head out. 2nd push...shoulder out and 3rd push...there she was! Whew! Before I started pushing Dr Beck was pointing out all the hair she had cuz her head was right there! That was so crazy to hear! It was the most amazing feeling all over again to see her beautiful face. I couldn't believe my eyes...she looked like a clone on Anaston! The sound of her cry and to have her laid down on me and hold her hand was just unbelievable. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 7.9 oz.'s and 21 and 1/4 inches long(although at her doc appt they told me she was actually 21 and 3/4 long) and was born at 6:02 am on Thursday, August 20th. She has a very full head of dark brown hair, big eyes, a cute little nose and we think my lips! She has long, dainty hands and long feet...she's gonna be a tall one! She's super skinny and long! She's beautiful, she's perfect! Sometimes looks just like Annie and Brian and then sometimes alot like mommy! We had such a great experience there at the new hospital. Reese is a really good baby! She's very healthy, eating great and growing already! The doc told me at her appt that her weight gain in just those 5 days(up to 7 lbs. 12 oz.) was almost un heard of for a newborn and a nursing baby. Well I guess my milk coming in by day 2 is doing it's job! He called her an overachiever, beautiful and perfectly proportioned.:) We had a ton of visitors, family and friends, good meals brought in, entertainment, etc. We appreciate it all! It was so crazy to see Anaston the next morning. I couldn't belive I had 2 kids! I had missed her so much and it was so good to see her, even though she felt weird and was shy at first. I'm glad she warmed up and was happy to see us too. My in laws were kind enough to have Anaston stay with them while we were in the hospital and took great care of her. She had such a good time she didn't even care when she had to leave the hospital cuz she was excited to go there! That really made me happy and put me at peace with the whole situation. Brian was such a sweetheart and held my hand every step of the way during my labor. I am kinda a baby getting my IV and epidural but he was great and let me crush his hand. ha ha It was so neat to watch him hold Reese and look into her yes and calm her right after she was born. It was so nice to have my doc keep checking on me even though it was during the night and early morning hours..he seriously is the best. I'm glad my mom, Jaymee and Jade were there in the room with us. It was a relief to get to go home the next afternoon instead of staying 5 days with a severely jaundiced baby. We are just absolutely in love with our new baby and she just fits right in with our family! We are enjoying her very much and she is just so sweet and adorable! She's very alert when she's awake but is also a great sleeper and is already in a pretty consistent sleeping pattern. We're going 3 1/2-4 hours inbetween feedings at night! Woo hoo! More like 2 1/2-3 hours during the day.I have of course been taking a billion more pictures and even had her newborn photos done but that will have to be another post. I'm just proud I finally got this one done! We are all adjusting fine and things are feeling great now! We appreciate all the company, love, help, favors, dinners brought in, etc. Annie didn't know what to think at first but she is so in love with her sister now and very protective of her and helpful. She is getting better with her adjustment, which is a huge relief to me. It was breaking my heart seeing her emotionally struggle. I am so happy and so blessed. Words can't even explain!

The pic's are backwards. Start at the bottom and work your way up! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Final baby update:)

With me being due now and ready, and my doctor leaving town this weekend...all things considered I have decided to go with an induction tomorrow morning. I am extremely nervous but extremely excited. I am so emotional about being without my Annie as much, the next few days and how she will do but praying and hoping for the best and she"ll be in good hands. I can't wait to meet this little girl! I cant believe I will be a mother of two and holding an infant that is mine! Keep us in your prayers please, I don't know why I'm being such a wuss and when we have news, Brian will post it! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When is baby coming?

Wow, that was weird deleting my ticker at the top of my page, counting down Reese's arrival and realizing she could be here any minute now! I'll give you the news I got form the doc on Monday and what's going on. As of Monday morning I was at a 2. May not seem like much but after hearing 0 for a couple weeks it was a thrill to hear all the improvement that had happened in just a week! I had felt contractions and sharp pains for two nights leading up to my appointment so I was glad to hear that meant something was happening! Since Monday I have continued to feel pressure, pain, come and go contractions and of course her squirming like crazy so hopefully we're getting even closer! My doc asked if I'd like to have her on my own or be induced and I told him I'd like to TRY and have her on my own but by no means go two weeks over waiting for that to happen so since my body is ready we are just waiting anxiously this week, not knowing what will happen and I am scheduled to go in Monday so if nothing has happened then he will be scheduling me an induction for next week. We should have our baby girl by next weekend at the latest, I'm thinking! I am continuing to stay super busy and fit all the clients in that I can, have everything ready, stay on top of the house so we come home to a clean home, and also spend time with family, friends and especially Anaston. Basically livin it up before I become a hermit crab for the next little while till I get the 2 kids thing down. I am treasuring every last bit of one on one time with my baby before she's not the baby anymore and her sister joins us. Who by the way, Anaston is very anxiously awaiting her arrival, as are we! So we are going with the 19th as my due date now that she's back on track and I have no serious health issues. We'll see how close we get to that day! Thank you for all the texts, e mails, comments and phone calls showing you care, I appreciate it and will keep you posted on her arrival and how we're all holding up!

Monday, August 3, 2009

No action...yet!:(

I had a doctor's appointment this morning. Of course I went in hopefull, but in the back of my mind I seriously doubted any's just not my family's luck to actually go into labor without being forced, without the help of drugs! haha And what do you know, I was correct! I know, I know, I still have a week to 2 weeks left so what am I complaining about?.. but if you have been 9 months pregnant in AZ in August before than you know exactly where I'm coming from! I am so lucky to have a healthy baby and to not be too swollen this time but I am still supporting a 9 month pregnant belly, extra weight, cramps, pains and a horrible back so ya, if she could come asap that would be great! Speaking of big, I think we've got a bigger baby on the way! Annie was born a day late and was super long but only weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. When Dr did my ultra sound today he said she is also super long but is already weighing in at approx. 7 lbs. 3 oz. and I still have possible 2 weeks left! Would it be selfish to go take a mile long walk tonight? ha ha I don't blame Reese. How could you be too anxious to come down to a world where awful things are happening when she can be spending all her time with Heavenly Father, Jesus, grandparents, cousins, etc. in heaven? But when she's ready, we're ready and we will protect her and love her with everything we have. I will keep you posted on more than likely my induction date! Till then...:)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ready for Reese!!!

Well, we've only got 2 and a half weeks left till our little lady joins us, to make a family of four! It's so exciting to see my ticker at the top of my blog in the final phase! She is now full term, so that is a relief, come what may! It's so fun getting ready and seeing everting come together, waiting for her! I am getting really anxious and excited! I am feeling ok...nothing serious is wrong but 9 months pregnant in AZ in the middle of the summer kinda takes a tole on your body! Thankfully I'm not super swollen this time...whew! Just tired, heavy, crammed, hot, etc. As of last week I had no progress:(...guess she's not in as big of a hurry to get out as I'd like her to be! But everything looks good and healthy, yeah! That's what's important! She still wont let us get a 3-D of anything but her hand!...Guess she wants to be a surprise and that's fine with me..I like surprises! I'm excited for the new hospital, I hope everything goes good! I have had so much fun setting everything up and just look at everything now and can't wait to see her using it all! I wont spoil too much with pictures can see more of what I've done when she comes:)...from the room, the closet, the craftes, bows, jewelry, clothes, blankets, stroller, car seat cover, toys, swings and bouncers, pack n play, changing table, rocking chair, night lights, entertainers's ALL so exciting! I will keep you posted! Annie is probably most excited! She was ready to be a big sister in December and is getting a little impatient! She loves all the baby stuff and helping me get ready. She sings songs about being a big sis and keeps telling me that Baby Reese needs to come! ha ha
Pictured above is the double stroller my mom bought me for the shower! I love love love it! Thanks mom!

These pic's are of Annie enjoying her new "silky". My mom got her one when she was born and she sleeps with it every night. I knew I had to get one for Reese so Jade surprised me with one for her and also a new one for Annie. She can't let go of it!

These are the finished letters for her room that my sis, Jade made me. She doe the best job and I love them! Thanks Jadey!

My sis Jade is so sweet and thoughtful. Eventhough I'm having another girl, she thought it would only be appropriate to have a smaller type shower/dinner to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Baby Reese! She had everyone in on it but me and I was in fact surprised! It was so nice to have all my sister's, sister in laws, mom and mother in law, some nieces and my friend, Karlee who actually was able to make it!(all my other friends were out of town or working:( there. We had it at Tia Rosa' yummy food and also some yummy chocolate cake, exactly what the doc would have ordered for me!:) I got some really nice and much needed things from everyone. It was alot of fun and I appreciate everyone that could coming out! Thanks again Jade, it means alot!

Anaston is obsessed with my belly, it's pretty cute.

Here it is...I have been keeping my blog from month to month pictures of my growing belly, but I'll let you see the finished product...the 9 month belly!:)
We can't wait to meet our little girl, soon as she's ready to meet us! And yes, it is official...I'm finally revieling her name. This whole time I decided not to post it, and I admit in fear of someone else using it and also to keep it a surprise but no use for that now cuz with the people who do know, the name has already been taken but oh well. We still love it and are set on it, just like we were from day 1! Reese Olivia Knight will be her name.:)

Family in town

Melanie, Brian's oldest sister was in town for a week and half. It was so much fun to see her and her boys as always and do fun things together. Here are some pic's from some of what we did. This first one is Tiffany, me and Steph at the little family shower we put together for Mel the night before she went back. It was at Steph's and turned out so cute. Mel got some pretty cute stuff, it is still so weird but very exciting to see her doing things to get ready for a girl!!!
All of us girls in Brian's family, with the bellies bumping in the middle, about to bring even more girls into this world! Mel is due a month after me, it's so exciting. It will be so fun to have the girls so close in age and also with Samantha and Kamri, who are just a few months older!
By now my mother in law is probabbly thinking..hmmm, these pic's look familiar. I wasnt the best with my camera when they were here. A few are mine but the rest I copied off her blog cuz she was better with the camera so thanks mom!
We all went swimming over at Aunt Debbie's one day. The pool was packed with all our kiddos plus all Debbie's grandkids too, but lots of fun! We had great food, a great time and celebrated 4 special people all one day...Grandma and Grandpa J's 61st anniversery, Kim's 25th birthday, and Cash's 1st birthday!!!

Kim had her baby, Kamri blessed right after Mel got here so that was fun to have everybody here for the special occasion. Kamri looked like a doll all dressed in white, in the dress Kinsley wore and was perfect during her blessing! We all went over to their house after for yummy food and good company. We are so thankful for sweet little Kamri.

Now it's our turn to get the rest of the girl here!

We caught the girls having a tea party together one afternoon while Kim, Steph and I were foing crafts. It was pretty cute to watch. Matthew sat down with them for a short time but that didn't last long.;)

We had a girls night to celebrate Kim's birthday. We went and saw the proposal, which I really enjoyed(minus the two minute basically naked scene...warning!). Then we drove over to cheesecake factory for some yummy cheesecake. Me and baby were definately feelin the key lime! On the way home we all crammed in Kim's car so Steph could get home and Emily offered to sit in Kinsley's car seat to make it all work. Pretty funny, I had to get a pic.

Ryder had a very soft side and is always wantng to help with the kids and especially loves babies. Anaston also is so into the babies...she wants to help even a little too much sometimes, but it's sweet and with god intentions. I was keepin a quick eye on Kamri but never even got to touch her cuz Ryder and Annie were all over her! It was so sweet to watch.
Peter Piper Pizza is the pizza people pick!

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